Cloud Services

Architect, develop, deploy and optimize cloud solutions

Cloud computing is driving a major global shift in the way developers, users, and businesses access information, design/develop/deploy applications, and manage costs and infrastructure. The advantages of cloud computing are widely accepted, and organizations are moving quickly to keep up with the pace of transformation.

The CloudRock cloud computing service enables businesses to meet their future needs and develop cloud solutions according to their needs. We help businesses build cloud solutions from scratch and easily migrate and maintain applications on cloud platforms.

Delivering Scalable platforms

CloudRock enables the design, development, integration, and deployment of powerful cloud-based applications for companies around the world. We provide cloud solutions and services such as cloud application development, cloud platform architecture design, cloud migration, SaaS services, DevOps and service orchestration. With a deep understanding of cloud technologies and beginner guidelines and approaches, we can develop solutions that help businesses achieve their goals.



Cloud & SaaS Operations:

Unified cloud operations management & monitoring, performance optimization, cloud security, governance & compliance, NoC services, SLA management

Cloud Development

Solution design, application development, software product development, cloud integration, migration & implementation, C2C connector, data management & analytics

Cloud Consulting

Could assessment & advice, cloud application, platform architecture, cloud audit & review, cost analysis & optimization


Process automation, CI/CD, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Testing, pipeline as a code development, infrastructure as a code development

Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud migration, strategy, infrastructure security management, backup & restore solution

Ready to scale your business and applications?